Swimming has formed part of the P.E. Curriculum in Cloghroe School for well over thirty years. Initially it was just the senior classes who learned to swim. In the early days we ventured northside to Churchfield Pool, where many years of enjoyable swimming action took place. Foremost amongst them was the famous Northside Gala, a red-letter day in the school calendar, when schools on the northside of Cork City competed for honours amid a flurry of poolside music and cheering supporters. We have renewed our participation in this event since 2024.
In more recent times, we have enjoyed the coaching at Mayfield Sports Complex. In the first school term, Second and Third Classes go for approximately ten weeks of lessons, with Fourth and Fifth Classes receiving refresher courses of approximately six weeks duration after Christmas. All the coaches are trained and great attention is paid, not only to the coaching but also to water safety and poolside behaviour as well. Between transport, coaching and pool-hire, swimming is a costly activity for parents, but generally parents and the school feel it is a good investment.
As swimming is the main part of the Aquatics Strand of the P.E. curriculum, we are delighted to see the children enjoy learning to swim and gain a healthy respect for water at the same time.
In more recent times, we have enjoyed the coaching at Mayfield Sports Complex. In the first school term, Second and Third Classes go for approximately ten weeks of lessons, with Fourth and Fifth Classes receiving refresher courses of approximately six weeks duration after Christmas. All the coaches are trained and great attention is paid, not only to the coaching but also to water safety and poolside behaviour as well. Between transport, coaching and pool-hire, swimming is a costly activity for parents, but generally parents and the school feel it is a good investment.
As swimming is the main part of the Aquatics Strand of the P.E. curriculum, we are delighted to see the children enjoy learning to swim and gain a healthy respect for water at the same time.