Our Playing Pitch
Inniscarra is a place where all sports are given due regard. One only has to look at the magnificent grounds in Ballyanly to see that. Cloghroe, built on an elevated site was restricted in the playing space available to it. Therefore when a local priest named Fr Finbarr Kelleher, came to Cloghroe in the late eighties, he vowed to provide a field for playing GAA in particular, for the children of Cloghroe. Aided by a group of wonderful volunteers, including local farmers, they set about their task of rock-breaking, tree clearing, earth removal and pitch-laying. Within a short while green grass appeared on what was previously scrubland and rock.
In 2006/7, the small pitch was greatly increased in size with co-operation of neighbours, local builders and many others. This was a more expensive development and funds raised locally were greatly appreciated by the school community.
It is thanks to the work of these past parents and local volunteers, as well as great school support that we have the fine pitch we have today. While not full size it enables us to do all our training there, as well as many other activities such as sports days .We still retain the link with Ballyanly where we go to play our home matches.
In 2006/7, the small pitch was greatly increased in size with co-operation of neighbours, local builders and many others. This was a more expensive development and funds raised locally were greatly appreciated by the school community.
It is thanks to the work of these past parents and local volunteers, as well as great school support that we have the fine pitch we have today. While not full size it enables us to do all our training there, as well as many other activities such as sports days .We still retain the link with Ballyanly where we go to play our home matches.