Physical Activity
February 2022
The Active School skipping initiative which ran throughout January and February came to a close this week with a fantastic Skipathon. The children from Junior Infants to 2nd class took part in a half-hour long celebration in the morning and those in classes from 3rd to 6th skipped for over 45 minutes in the afternoon! Children from each level were given the opportunity to show off their talents and it was thoroughly enjoyable for all involved. Funds raised from the day will be given to St Vincent de Paul in Blarney. A representative from the organisation will visit us in school in the coming weeks to receive their cheque. The children worked hard on their skipping over the past few weeks and this fun-filled day, which brought a great buzz to the school, was the perfect way to wrap it up! Thanks to the Active School Committee (pictured below) for their hard work over the course of this wonderful skipping initiative.
January 2022
The Active School committee started a skipping challenge on the 2nd week back after the holidays and this will run up to February midterm. Members of the committee, together with Mr Whitty, will showcase a skill and a challenge at the beginning of each week. These will then be attempted by all classes throughout the week. Many children have already perfected the ‘double-under’ which is quite an achievement.
Classes are also counting their skips for the Active School Flag ‘Climb the Heights’ challenge where one skip equals one metre. At the end of the challenge each class will be able to see which mountain peaks of Europe they have successfully climbed.
Classes are also counting their skips for the Active School Flag ‘Climb the Heights’ challenge where one skip equals one metre. At the end of the challenge each class will be able to see which mountain peaks of Europe they have successfully climbed.
December 2021
The Active Advent Calendar is well underway. The calendar itself hangs on the Active School board in the school’s entrance hall. The Active School Committee members check the daily challenge each morning and report back to their class and others to ensure every class across the school is taking part. This is proving very popular with the kids. Some challenges so far have included a timed wall sit, jogging laps of the yard, dancing challenges and many more. What a great way to countdown to the Christmas break!
November 2021
After several meetings and discussions, the Active School Committee have decided to do an Active Advent calendar. This will involve giving daily active challenges to the children from juniors to 6th for the month of December. The committee will now brainstorm ideas and differentiate for the different levels.
October 2021
The Active School Committee organised a Halloween dance and parade which went down a treat across the school. All of the students and teachers got involved and a thoroughly enjoyable morning was had by everyone!
September 2021
The new Active School Committee has been formed. It consists of representatives from each class from 2nd to 6th. The children are busy generating ideas to keep our students and teachers active over the coming months.
We have confirmed the renewal of the Active School Flag. This has been delivered to the school but we are waiting to have our flag raising ceremony at a time when it is safer to gather together as a school community.
We have confirmed the renewal of the Active School Flag. This has been delivered to the school but we are waiting to have our flag raising ceremony at a time when it is safer to gather together as a school community.
Morning Muscles in full swing this morning!
The boys and girls of 4th, 5th and 6th class are getting some exercise in before school and having fun while doing it too!
Lunchtime Activities
The boys and girls are involved in a variety of lunchtime activities every day. They range from soccer, hand ball and wall ball to skipping, ring toss and hopscotch. They also try to do all of their talking while they are walking to get more exercise. Great fun is being had by all!
Halloween Disco 2017
The children in Junior and Senior Infants had great fun today as they showed off their moves at a Halloween disco in the hall!
Physical Activity - Girls Mini 7s team did us proud in their final.
10 girls from 5th and 6th class represented the school at a final in Newcestown versus Kilmeen N.S. last week. Unfortunately they were not victorious on the day but they did us proud!
Activities moved to the pitch for second break.
Now that summer has arrived there is a new system in place for 4th to 6th at second break. All of the children in these classes now move to the top pitch at this time and have plenty of space to play soccer, skipping, running, throwing and catching games and any other activities that get them moving. This system is working very well and the children are loving the freedom of movement that the pitch allows!
Whole School Adventure
On Wednesday of our Active School Week all of the staff and children went on a walk outside of the school grounds. This was very exciting for the younger children in particular and the older children went on a big walk all the way to Tower village and back again! Well done to all!
Basketball tournament
Our 6th class girls did us proud when they represented the school at The Parochial Hall in Gurranabraher this week. The girls played 3 matches and had great fun!
We did 10@10 in association with Operation Transformation!!
This year RTE's Operation Transformation team promoted 10@10 for all of the school children in the country. This initiative was set up to get all children active for 10 minutes at 10 o'clock on February 10th. We accepted this challenge and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all as you will see in the pictures below.
3rd and 4th class children have taken over Morning Muscles!!
Morning Muscles is back up and running on Monday and Wednesday mornings before school. The children of 3rd and 4th class are very enthusiastic and have been making a great effort to attend and are giving it their all!
Morning Muscles Christmas Edition!
The 5th and 6th class children have been getting very active over the past 4 weeks with Monring Muscles on two mornings each week before school. This week we played Christmas songs and wore Santa hats to get into the Christmas spirit! The children from 2nd, 3rd and 4th class also got a taster of these activities when they took over the hall on Tuesday morning to avail of a special Christmas edition.
Christmas Madness!!
The Active Schools Committee have taken their activities to a new level in the run up to Christmas. They organised a Christmas disco in the school yard and for classes to have a Christmas themed 'Drop Everything and Dance' in their classrooms.
Morning Muscles
The Active Schools team have started doing a short fitness blast for 15 minutes every Monday and Friday morning before school. We have started with 5th and 6th classes and have had a great turnout so far!
Halloween Antics!!
We got very active here in Cloghroe in preparation for Halloween!! Over 500 children walked to school for the 'Spooky Walk to School' and the younger children had a Halloween disco in the school hall. Check out their moves below!
Playground Activities
All classes now have extra activities that they can partake in during break times. See below some of the activities that the children have been getting up to. They are also thinking of new games to play every week!