Upcoming October Events
Wednesday October 5th:
Irish Dancing after school classes starting
Old Hall, 2.30-3.30.
"Do this in Memory"
Meeting for parents of the First Holy Communion children,
Old Hall, 7.00 p.m.
*Save the Dates*
First Holy Communion 13th May 2017
Confirmation 16th May 2017
Wednesday October 12th:
Final Boys Football Match
Wednesday October 19th:
Photograph day for Junior Infants
15th-23rd October:
Fun activities to develop mathematical thinking
Friday 28th October:
"Spooky Walk to School"
Irish Dancing after school classes starting
Old Hall, 2.30-3.30.
"Do this in Memory"
Meeting for parents of the First Holy Communion children,
Old Hall, 7.00 p.m.
*Save the Dates*
First Holy Communion 13th May 2017
Confirmation 16th May 2017
Wednesday October 12th:
Final Boys Football Match
Wednesday October 19th:
Photograph day for Junior Infants
15th-23rd October:
Fun activities to develop mathematical thinking
Friday 28th October:
"Spooky Walk to School"