Our School Garden
Given half the chance, all kids would prefer to be outside getting their hands dirty, than sitting in the classroom! A school garden is a great addition to our school. Pupils learn and have fun in a natural ever-changing environment where they get to appreciate nature, nutrition, and even how maths, reading, geography and history can be fun and how they fit into and influence our day to day lives. They get to learn in a new and exciting way, and develop skills for a rewarding and practical future. The “Living Classroom” is indeed , a huge educational resource:
Green fingers
A big thank you to Mr. Gerry Keady for continuing to help pupils to care for our school garden. Mr.Keady returns each year to St. Senan's N.S. Cloghroe with his wheelbarrow and shovel in tow. Pupils plant a variety of vegetables such as potatoes, leeks and garlic. We then look forward to harvesting and of course eating these crops in the summer!
Green fingers
A big thank you to Mr. Gerry Keady for continuing to help pupils to care for our school garden. Mr.Keady returns each year to St. Senan's N.S. Cloghroe with his wheelbarrow and shovel in tow. Pupils plant a variety of vegetables such as potatoes, leeks and garlic. We then look forward to harvesting and of course eating these crops in the summer!