Fáilte rómhaibh go léir ar ais ar scoil, don scoilbhliain 2017/18,
A special welcome to all our new Junior Infants and to the other children throughout the school, who have come to Cloghroe this year.
After a very busy and successful 2016/17, we look forward to another great year ahead.
We encourage our pupils to work hard, to participate in our extra-curricular activities and we hope parents will become involved and show their support,
Le gach dea-ghuí,
Emma Dineeen
A special welcome to all our new Junior Infants and to the other children throughout the school, who have come to Cloghroe this year.
After a very busy and successful 2016/17, we look forward to another great year ahead.
We encourage our pupils to work hard, to participate in our extra-curricular activities and we hope parents will become involved and show their support,
Le gach dea-ghuí,
Emma Dineeen