Drama in Cloghroe
Drama and theatre play a very important role here in St. Senan's NS, Cloghroe. Drama is not only taught as a curricular subject, it is also used as a tool for teaching and for giving the student body of Cloghroe, memories they will treasure far beyond their school days! These memories and experiences are made through our bi-annual musical, which is usually staged in May or June. The children from both 5th and 6th classes tread the boards, and for some it is the beginning of a life-long love of theatre, and it is great fun for all. The boys and girls from 3rd and 4th classes provide the choral work for the shows, and the younger children provide the artwork - and the buzz and excitement, so it really is an whole school affair!
At Christmas time too the stage is busy in Cloghroe with children as young as four taking to the stage to perform in their Christmas concerts for their parents, fellow pupils and teachers.
We strive here in Cloghroe not only to give children a love for drama and the arts, but also through them, to build the children’s self-esteem.
At Christmas time too the stage is busy in Cloghroe with children as young as four taking to the stage to perform in their Christmas concerts for their parents, fellow pupils and teachers.
We strive here in Cloghroe not only to give children a love for drama and the arts, but also through them, to build the children’s self-esteem.