Christmas Preparations are well under way
It has been a long standing tradition in 6th class that the children create their own Christmas wreaths. The pupils collect foliage, pine cones , Christmas decorations and brightly coloured ribbons and never fail to create the most amazing Christmas wreaths. The smell of Christmas fills the classrooms and everyone has great fun. This year has been exceptional as we are sure you will agree.
Team Hope Shoe Box Appeal
This year the pupils in 6th class took part in the annual Team Hope Shoe Box Appeal. Each child had an empty shoe box which they filled with lots of beautiful gifts for children that are less fortunate than ourselves. The shoe boxes are shipped to various parts of the world and often times are the only Christmas gifts that some children will receive this year.
Space Week
Recently, during Space Week, we had great fun helping our friends in Senior Infants, draw lots of chalk diagrams of the planets on the school yard. We hope that Senior Infants had as much fun as we did!