Engineering for Energy.
Our budding engineers are learning how we harnass energy. We built our own pulley system and created a minature wind turbine. Together we can fuel the future!
Today fifth class pupils focused on infrastructure within engineering. They used what they learned about the engineering design process to build a paper bridge and a sheltered bird feeder. They tested their designs, discussed what worked best and how they could improve. We are very proud of our creations!
The Digestive System
Pupils have been working on identifying and explaining the five stages of digestion. This culminated in an experiment illustrating the journey of food.
The Guns of Easter: Novel work in 5th class
We have been reading The Guns of Easter by Gerard Whelan. It is set during the 1916 rising and tells the tale of Jimmy Conway who must cross the city whilst the rising rages on all around him. We have been doing lots of activities to compliment our reading such as:
Writing our own questions about each chapter.
Making an actual story map of his journey.
Doing a role on the wall.
Sketching our favourite parts of the novel.
Discussing the authors use of colloquialism.
Considering the authors style of writing.
Picking out our favourite lines.
Doing chapter summaries and diary entries.
Using the novel to explore letter writing.
Reading questions and answers with Author Gerard Whelan.
Writing our own questions about each chapter.
Making an actual story map of his journey.
Doing a role on the wall.
Sketching our favourite parts of the novel.
Discussing the authors use of colloquialism.
Considering the authors style of writing.
Picking out our favourite lines.
Doing chapter summaries and diary entries.
Using the novel to explore letter writing.
Reading questions and answers with Author Gerard Whelan.
Happy Halloween!
Finishing the half term learning Halloween dance moves 🎃
Art work: Van Gogh, Escher and Monet!
Maths Data! Skips per minute and Homework on double bar charts!Tag Rugby at a social distance!!!! |
Using Cookbooks to inspire our procedural writing!Maths Week!This week we have been exploring maths in the environment. In our pods we completed a maths trail around the school. We also explored patterns and shapes. Our class were challenged daily with fun maths puzzles. To finish, inspired by the artist Kandinsky’s use of shapes, we created our own abstract art.