Pupils in Fifth class were introduced to Zumba. Zumba combines dance and fitness in a fun enjoyable way. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience!
Famine Cottages
This week Fifth class have been studying An Gorta Mór . Pupils designed their own cottier's cottage. A cottier worked for a tenant farmer. Instead of giving the cottier wages, the farmer rented him a plot of land.
All Aboard 2017
Building Confidence in Digital Skills for Learning
Children in 5th Class were interested to know how the rehearsals are going for the upcoming musical, Aladdin! We used our digital skills to create a blog using 'Padlet' and children from both 5th classes contributed questions to that blog.
Four children were then chosen to interview the actors and actresses rehearsing for the musical using these questions.
They were Tuan Power, Katylin Canniffe, Caitlín Browne and Odhrán Lynch. They also managed to interview Ms K. Kelly!
Thank you to our wonderful interviewers and interviewees who all sounded fabulous on CNS '17.
If you'd like to hear the broadcast, please click on the file below.
Four children were then chosen to interview the actors and actresses rehearsing for the musical using these questions.
They were Tuan Power, Katylin Canniffe, Caitlín Browne and Odhrán Lynch. They also managed to interview Ms K. Kelly!
Thank you to our wonderful interviewers and interviewees who all sounded fabulous on CNS '17.
If you'd like to hear the broadcast, please click on the file below.
full_radio_interview_6th_april_all_aboard_2017.wav | |
File Size: | 54183 kb |
File Type: | wav |
Balla Luimnigh
Spring Art.
World Book Day
Pupils in both First and Fifth class have formed a special bond. Fifth class pupils modelled good reading to First class pupils and were very impressed with the strategies they had already acquired.
The Cloghroe Debating Team
We entered a debating competition sponsored by Concern and run by the Cork Education Support Centre. The motion we were assigned was
'Children should be allowed a TV in their bedroom'
We were proposing the motion!!
The children researched the topic so well and debated the motion in their classes first with the help of their teachers. We then refined our arguments and practised our delivery.
On February 28th we visited St. Caherine's National School to compete against them. It was a very close and well contested debate and we were neck and neck! The adjudicators reinforced this in their commentary afterwards and the motion was defeated.
We thoroughly enjoyed our experience and we are looking forward to the next one!
We entered a debating competition sponsored by Concern and run by the Cork Education Support Centre. The motion we were assigned was
'Children should be allowed a TV in their bedroom'
We were proposing the motion!!
The children researched the topic so well and debated the motion in their classes first with the help of their teachers. We then refined our arguments and practised our delivery.
On February 28th we visited St. Caherine's National School to compete against them. It was a very close and well contested debate and we were neck and neck! The adjudicators reinforced this in their commentary afterwards and the motion was defeated.
We thoroughly enjoyed our experience and we are looking forward to the next one!
Being Active!
The digestive system
Fifth class pupils learned about the amazing journey of food! This experiment detailed the processes involved in the different stages of digestion, including the mouth, the oesophagus, the stomach and the intestine.
Junk Kouture
Pupils used their imaginations to design and create unique, original and innovative outfits. These outfits were made from recyclable materials. Many of todays issues inspired these promising fashion designers including environmental awareness, war, gender equality, the commercialisation of Christmas, cancer and obesity in Ireland. Fifth class were then given the opportunity to perform a fashion show for fourth class pupils. We really enjoyed the experience.
Christmas Cake
This 'Fabulous Four' in 5th Class weighed and prepared the fruit for the cake. They soaked it in brandy overnight and zested oranges to flavour the fruit. The next day, they mixed butter, eggs, sugar, flour and spices together and then added the fruit. They lined the tin and baked the cake for 3 and a half hours.
They really enjoyed this sensory experience, smelling all the ingredients, mixing them together and of course tasting the cake!!
They really enjoyed this sensory experience, smelling all the ingredients, mixing them together and of course tasting the cake!!
Book club
Here in Fifth class we are proud members of our own book club. We meet a number of times a week to discuss the content of our books. We enjoy listening to other perspectives on the same book. So far we have found that our communication skills are improving, our vocabulary is expanding, while at the same time we are forming new friendships sharing a common interest.
Science Week 2016
Children worked scientifically this week questioning, observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting as they demonstrated a number of experiments in groups. The children had lots of fun and messes were created but all in the name of discovery!
Children enjoyed creating simple circuits, series circuits and parallel circuits today in Science class. In groups children investigated how a switch works and predicted whether items were insulators or conductors.
Happy Halloween!
Inspired by a Geography lesson based on buildings and settlements, Fifth class enjoyed creating their own streetscapes, buildings and monuments. Each group presented their projects and this led to an interesting discussion on planning laws, architecture and engineering.
Irish Sign Language Awareness Week
Pupils in Fifth class are enjoying learning Irish Sign Language. They can now finger spell the alphabet, as well as a few simple words they learned to sign each day.
Comhrá Beirte
Seo iad na daltaí i rang a cúig ag deanamh agallamh le chéile. Chuir siad ceist ar a chéile chun iad féin a chuir in iúl.