4th Class have been implementing their map reading skills by orienteering around the school grounds. They thoroughly enjoyed the activity and can't wait until their next session!
Project Work
4th class pupils presenting their projects to their classmates. The projects were based on the Egyptians, Dogs, Micro Monsters, Space, Dolly Parton, Animals and Tutankamun. All children learnt many new things and found each others projects very interesting.
Fourth Class Tour
On Monday 26th May fourth class went on their school tour to the Kinsale Outdoor Education Centre. Here, the children were shown how to do land based activities i.e. bow and arrow shooting, zip-line, climbing wall and ‘The Leap of Fate’ which was for the really brave! Pupils then took part in the water-based activities i.e. canoeing, kayaking and other games. The children thoroughly enjoyed these activities which were a new experience for many of them.