Red Day to Support Our Cork Camogie Team
Rang a hAon really enjoyed sporting their red and white to show support for our Cork camogie team who will be playing in the All-Ireland Final this weekend. We had great fun constructing camogie players and flags for our art lesson too. Corcaigh abú!
Fun Friday - Sports Day!
Active School Week
First Class had great fun for 'Active School Week' this week. It began on Wednesday with Wellness Wednesday, Thursday was Jersey Thursday and it concluded on Friday with Fun Friday- Sports Day! During the week the children took part in a wide range of outdoor activities and did some active homework in the evenings instead of written activities. Great fun was had by all!
Let's Go Fun Day!
First Class were delighted to have their School Tour come to them this year in school! They were able to take part in a wide range of activities including a Climbing Wall, Wrecking Ball, Bouncing Castle, KMX Karts, Human Football Table, Giant Jenga, Flingsocks and lots more. They were exhausted after their day but had great fun.
Whole School Cube Mural
First Class had great fun designing their own individual cubes in their own unique way. They then were able to visit the 'Whole School Cube Mural' which is on display in the Hall outside their classroom. They enjoyed admiring and discussing the magnificent display of cubes and had fun trying to find their own cubes in amongst the hundreds on display!
Irish Wildflowers
First Class had great fun recently learning about some common Irish wildflowers as part of their S.E.S.E. programme. They then painted some of these flowers as part of their Art Lesson. The results were very colourful and impressive!
Freedom of Cork City Project
Miss O'Connell's First Class were one of three lucky classes to be selected randomly to participate in a project entitled "The Freedom of Cork City". Cork City Council and The Glucksman invited the children to consider how they would make Cork city a better place for everyone. We discussed ways to make Cork a healthier, greener and more playful city and then we recorded our responses on a worksheet. We also put our art skills and creativity to good use by drawing a re-imagined Cork city....the way we would like the city to look if we were Lord Mayor! Here we are working on our drawings.
Rock Your Socks!
In celebration of World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st we wore colourful and mismatched socks to school. Check them out!
Green Day March 2021
Happy St. Patrick's Day from all in 1st Class.
Seachtain na Gaeilge - Ag Treodóireacht (Orienteering)
Engineers Week 2021
For Engineers Week 1st class were busy designing and creating bridges and then testing them to see how many "passengers" (cubes!) they could hold before collapsing. They learned that engineers have to try out their designs many times before getting it right.
A Visit to Santa
First Class had a truly magical experience on their trip to the woods to visit Santa. Here they are as they are about to take off in their pods for the exciting trip!
Science Week
This week was Science Week and First Class took on the role of scientists by designing and making a boat from marla that floats. Many of our boats sank but we learnt from it and tried again. When they did float we tested their seaworthiness by adding some passengers/cubes! We had great fun and were very proud of our creations....even the ones that sank!!
Happy Hallowe'en
Happy Hallowe'en from all in First Class! Enjoy the break!
Maths Week 2020
First Class had lots of fun doing their Maths Trail during Maths Week. They were busy measuring, counting and finding shapes.
Blasting Off into First Class!
First Class engaged in some very colourful artwork to celebrate 'blasting off into First Class'. Here's to a great year/journey!
Back to School!
First Class are delighted to be back in school learning, having fun and playing with their friends after the long break! It's good to be back!