School Tour - 14/6/18
We went on our school tour to The Glen Resource Centre. There was lots of excitement as we headed off. We went on roller racers, a bungee trampoline and a bouncy castle. Other activities included an obstacle course, parachute games, moonwalkers and snow tubing. Everyone really enjoyed the day.
1st Class Blitz
On Monday 11th June we took part in a 1st class hurling/camogie blitz. The blitz gave us a chance to put the skills we have been learning during training sessions into practice. It was great fun. Thanks to Timmy for training us during the year. Well done 1st class.
Sports Day - 8/6/18
What a great day we had at our Sports Day in Ballyanly last Friday. The sun was shining and there were so many fun activities to take part in such as target practice, sack races, leap frog, relay races and egg and spoon races to name a few. The obstacle course was also great fun. We finished off the day with a tasty ice-cream!
Amber Flag Day
To mark Amber Flag Day on June 7th and to remind ourselves of the importance of our mental fitness as well as our physical fitness, 1st class engaged in a few minutes of mindfulness.
A Bug Hunt
On May 23rd & 24th First Class were visited by Niamh from the Heritage in Schools programme. Niamh is an animal scientist and she told us about some of the animals she has worked with. Then we went to explore our outdoor classroom by taking part in a bug hunt on the woodland walk. The weather was glorious on both days and we enjoyed being outside, soaking up the nature around us. We found lots of mini beasts on the hunt including woodlice and centipedes and we inspected them further using a small magnifier.
Active School Week 2018
We were all very active in Rang I during Active Schools Week. Some of the children took part in early morning running/exercise sessions.....a great way to start off each day!! We also had plenty of physical activity throughout the week. We took part in an aerobics session and had regular active/movement breaks during the day, not to mention all the running, jumping and other activities we do on yard during our breaks. What an active and healthy week we have had!
Heritage in schools - Birds
First Class had a visit from Tony Kenneally from the Heritage in Schools programme. We learned a lot about different types of birds, the food they like to eat and how they catch their prey. Tony brought a blue tit's nest box for us to look at and we watched a video showing the blue tit building its nest in the box. We also got to see a stuffed bird of prey called a sparrow hawk. At the end of the visit we took a little time to draw some birds including a robin, chaffinch, blue tit and goldfinch.
Cór Fhéile - 22/3/18
Congratulations to the children in First Class who took the stage at Cór Fhéile na Scol on March 22nd to perform a piece entitled "A Journey Through The Musicals". The performance included some spoken parts as well as a selection of songs from different musicals. The songs included "Follow The Yellow Brick Road" from "The Wizard of Oz", Consider Yourself" from "Oliver", "Táim Ar Mo Shlí" ("I'm On My Way") from "Shrek", "My Favourite Things" from "The Sound of Music" and "A Whole New World" from "Aladdin". A lot of effort went into getting ready for the big performance and we are all very proud of the children for their hard work. Bhí siad ar-fheabhas!! We hope all those who came to see the performance enjoyed it. Well done First Class!!
Green Day - 16/3/18
Preparing for Cór Fhéile 2018
Over the last number of weeks we have been really busy preparing for Cór Fhéile 2018. We have been working hard to learn our lines and songs. The songs and some of the spoken lines are taken from some very famous musicals such as The Wizard of Oz and Aladdin. We are very much looking forward to our performance which will be taking place in City Hall on Thursday 22nd March.
GAA Training
First Class have recently started some GAA training in the area of hurling & camogie. Our trainers visit us every second Monday and we spend the lessons learning and developing skills like holding the hurley in the lock and ready positions, blocking the sliotar, hitting the sliotar and doing roll lifts. We practise these skills by doing different drills and games. We are enjoying ourselves.
Bringing the farm to 1st class!
On Tuesday 6th of February,first class had very special visitors in school. Mr. Denis McSweeney, a local farmer and dad to Ruby, came to visit the school with his newly born calves. He brought with him 2 baby calves and a helper. We were able to rub and pet the animals and ask Mr. McSweeney questions about the calves and his farm. We have learned all about the farm in school so we had super questions for him!! He told us how busy the season of Spring is on the farm and how many calves that will be born in total over the season. We even got to choose the calves names - Mary and Fiona! :) We LOVED having the baby calves visit our class.
Dick Whittington - Performed by The Midlands Theatre Group
On Friday 5th December children from Junior Infants to 2nd Class got to see a show called "Dick Whittington" in the school hall. It was lots of fun and very entertaining.
Ralph The Reindeer - December 2017
We performed our Christmas play "Ralph The Reindeer" three times for different audiences from 11th - 13th December. We were tired after the busy few days but we were also excited, happy and very proud of ourselves. We hope people enjoyed our shows. Have a look at some pictures of us taking to the stage!
Getting ready for our Christmas play
We have been working very hard over the last few weeks preparing for our upcoming Christmas play "Ralph The Reindeer".
As well as learning our lines, we have been learning our songs and practicing some actions to go with them.
We will be doing a performance of our play for some of the preschool children in the community as well as performing for the school and our families. We are looking forward to it!
As well as learning our lines, we have been learning our songs and practicing some actions to go with them.
We will be doing a performance of our play for some of the preschool children in the community as well as performing for the school and our families. We are looking forward to it!
Time for Science
This week we took part in a few Science investigations. We used a number of scientific skills such as questioning, investigating, designing, making and evaluating. The first investigation was a tasty one! We learned about how heat can change a solid to a liquid (or somewhere in between) by placing a small square of chocolate between the palms of our hands. After a few minutes we observed the results. As predicted, most of the chocolate had melted due to the heat of our hands but some of our hands must have been a little colder than others because a few squares were still slightly solid. We all agreed that it tasted good whether it had melted or not!
As well as this, we were given the task of designing and making a boat from plasticine that would float. We worked together and designed boats of different shapes and sizes in the hopes that some our designs would stay afloat. Some floated while others didn't but we still had a good time learning and working together. Lastly, we wanted to test the strength of some of the boats. We predicted and then tested how many cubes the boat would support while floating. Science is fun!!
As well as this, we were given the task of designing and making a boat from plasticine that would float. We worked together and designed boats of different shapes and sizes in the hopes that some our designs would stay afloat. Some floated while others didn't but we still had a good time learning and working together. Lastly, we wanted to test the strength of some of the boats. We predicted and then tested how many cubes the boat would support while floating. Science is fun!!
Melting chocolate
Designing and making boats
Maths at Work
This week we are doing the very practical topic of length. Before we measured anything, we used our estimation skills at the start of the lesson. We then measured the length of our pencils, books, tables, door, floor etc. using a variety of different methods such as using fingers spans, hand spans, strides, lollipop sticks, cubes etc. Today we learned how many different objects would fit onto a metre stick. Check out our pictures below to see how we put our skills to good use!
Halloween Fun
We started today with a Spooky Stroll to school. After this, the whole school took part in an assembly where we had a fantastic costume parade. The costumes looked great!
Happy Halloween from 1st Class.
Happy Halloween from 1st Class.
Transport Survey
Recently, 1st class have been learning about the topic of transport as part of the SESE curriculum. We took part in a transport survey and kept a record of the different types of transport that passed the school.
A Visit to the School Garden
First Class paid a visit to the School Garden in the glorious sunshine where Mr. Keady was on hand to share his wonderful knowledge on all the fruits and vegetables growing there. The children were delighted to bring home a sample of the produce!
Blasting Off into First Class!
First Class started the year with some colourful art to celebrate 'blasting off into First Class'. Here's to a great journey!